Earth, Water, Fire, Air and Space
The beauty of nature at Bell’s Rapids after an extreme weather event.
Exhilaration is Wonderful
I partook in a Wim Hof breath training and ice bath. Here is my experience of the event.
The Value of Belonging
If you feel alone, don’t doubt there is a community to which you are welcome.
Range is of the Ego, Form is of the Soul
This book, The Wisdom of Tea, gifted me an Eureka! moment.
Sitting at the Knee of Wisdom
After going to the Songlines Exhibition at the WA Museum I came out humbled by the tens of millennia of wisdom that is shared through it.
Through the Looking Glass
Imagine getting beyond the reflection of what our senses reveal to us and seeing reality from another perspective. Samyama.
Clearing the Clouds
The Thinker is looking down from the gates of hell contemplating the suffering from a high vantage point. In yoga we realise there are obstacles between the lower and higher mind. Being deceived by the senses can lead to ‘cloud cover’ causing pain and suffering. Sense withdrawal can clear the skies allowing us to experience the inspiration, joy and healing of the higher mind. Pratyahara.
Should I Could I?
The winding path to self improvement will have challenges to meet. Best efforts and surrender the outcome. The Yamas.
Life and Breath
Prana, breath or life force, can help bring us back to the present moment and calm the mind. Pranayama.
Physical Balance
The term ‘in balance’ can be associated with perfection in the physical world. I know a chicken who proves the opposite. The Asanas.
The Road Leads Both Ways
A road or path may always seem to lead you in one direction, but direction is a matter of perspective. The Niyamas.